Can we get specialized reports from our database, for example, statistical analysis of learning outcomes, attitude changes and the like?
Yes. On request, our research staff will access your secure database and conduct statistical analysis of outcomes according your instructions. We can conduct any number of pre-post training comparisons, changes in knowledge, attitude, and perceived self-efficacy including tests of significance. Our researchers can also conduct follow on studies if they are desired. Please contact us for options and pricing.
We are a non-profit organization. Is there a price break for non-profits?
No. This license fee is for all users, private, government, military, educational and non-profit organizations. Again, our aim is to make the training widely available at the lowest sustainable cost to participating organizations.
We are a college/university, how does the site license work for us?
The license offered here is based upon the number of students registered at your college or university each year. Like many licenses of this type, any person using the college/university unique email domain address, e.g., ewu.edu will be authorized to take QPR online gatekeeper training. Faculty and university employee training is included in the license fee.
How can we keep track of staff or student course completion?
There are two ways, one simple and one high tech. The simplest way to assure that participants have completed the training program is to ask them to print two copies of their Certificate of Course Completion when they pass the final quiz. Ask them to keep one and provide the second one to their professor, supervisor, or human relations office. The high tech approach involves the program administrator downloading reports from the database using their unique password to monitor participation.
What are the main advantages on QPR online training?
Beyond saving time and money, the key advantages are: self-paced learning, elimination of variance in instructor bias and teaching effectiveness, easy tracking of learner participation, always current course content, “just in time” training for new hires or new students or military or police recruits, and learners can access training from work or home. Finally, should an emergency situation arise, access to review the QPR program is available 24/7.
How does the cost of the online training program compare to face-to-face training?
We have reviewed all the relevant e-learning vs. traditional classroom learning literature to answer this question. Our main findings are the e-learning saves roughly 50% of training costs with no loss of student performance, retention, or satisfaction with a fact-based learning experience. We have conducted a cost comparison for online QPR training vs. classroom delivery using a 25-person average group size.
When considering travel and fuel costs for instructor and students, snacks, instructor time, instructor turnover and retraining, room scheduling and other incidentals, our estimated cost to train one QPR gatekeeper in an average classroom setting is about AU$35.
When calculating the cost per gatekeeper trained, organisations should consider turnover, how well the program is marketed, whether or not training is mandated and other variables. Cost savings are dramatic when large volumes of people are trained. As we say, gasoline is expensive, bandwidth is cheap. The more people trained, the less expensive it becomes, and the more likely an organisation is to detect an at-risk person or his or her family member.
We are instituting annual mandatory suicide prevention training. How would QPR online training meet this expectation?
The QPR online training program has been engineered to provide both initial training and a certificate to a single individual only after the participant has successfully completed pre-post surveys, the evaluation of their learning experience, and passed a 15-item quiz at 80% correct.
Unlike some online gatekeeper training programs, a high degree of “educational integrity” has been engineered into QPR online gatekeeper training. What this means is that, from a quality assurance perspective, stakeholders and leadership can be assured that the person who took QPR online gatekeeper training did, in fact, view every training module, complete all interactive elements, and was the person who provided the unique identifiers necessary to authenticate that they completed the training and passed the quiz. While opportunities to “cheat” always exist, every effort has been made to assure that the person who was supposed to complete the training actually did so. Our Learning Management System allows program managers to observe and monitor the completion of training by individual users as well.
Finally, after completing the program the first time, the program quiz resets itself after two weeks so that core elements of the training can be retested for any time desired by program management, e.g. at six months or one year intervals. As noted, the learning account is open for three years, thus allowing multiple opportunities for retraining or review sessions. Only after a passing score is earned can the Certificate of Course Completion be printed. The program prints the date and time the quiz was passed on each occasion.
Is QPR a “best practices” program?
Yes. QPR is also an evidence-based approach as more than a dozen independent studies on its effectiveness have been published.
Are sound cards required for the QPR Online Gatekeeper Training?
Yes. QPR training programs include voice over lectures, video, flash photography and music.
Some of us prefer face-to-face training – do we have that option? And can we blend the online training with face-to-face training?
Yes, you may teach QPR in traditional classroom settings and offer an online option. You may also blend online gatekeeper training with follow-on face-to-face sessions – an option we recommend. Trainees can complete the online module at any time and place convenient to them, and then meet in small groups for Q&A sessions, role-plays, and crisis response review and rehearsals.
By blending QPR online with face-to-face follow-on sessions, staff working swing and midnight shifts can complete the required training, print their certificate, and receive the follow on sessions at shift-change meetings.
What is an unlimited course license?
An unlimited use QPR gatekeeper online training license is designed to make access to QPR training simple and direct for all persons in an organization who share the same email domain address. Any person accessing the entry site enters the required information and submits his or her request for a training account receives an automatic email with their User ID and Password.
Within our organization, who will have access to the training?
Any member of your organization whose email domain address is recognized and authenticated by the program.
What is the annual maintenance fee and what does it cover?
There are no maintenance fees. All program upgrades in QPR online gatekeeper training are made without additional cost to users.
When can QPR Online Gatekeeper Training be accessed?
Training may be accessed 24/7 from any broadband internet connect and for any PC or Mac computer. Each account opened remains activated for three years and courtesy email reminders to review training or retesting are provided by email.
Can we customize the training program for the referral resources and phone number for our organisation?
Yes. Like politics, all referrals are local. We will help you customize the entry and referral pages for your participants.
We don’t have a lot of money for suicide prevention education. Can we afford it?
We invite you to shop and compare prices and costs to train suicide prevention gatekeepers. E-learning and web-based technologies offer steep savings in the delivery of our evidence-based gatekeeper training. Our research partners have compared online gatekeeper training to traditional classroom delivery and have found no substantial differences in learning outcomes.
Can we customize the program so that it is accessible through our existing web site?
Yes. Our webmaster will link your web site to a customized landing page so that a seamless presentation is made to participants.